Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

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Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

Post by ebolamonkey »

Those who blitz in Challenge Games and stick it out for the highscore use similar strategies. I'm not sure if Challenge Game tactics applies for all strategy tips but dominating 81 products and achieve a high networth while driving out all competitors is the ultimate goal of the game.

Since there isn't replays and I'm not sure if players who won top three in the past have ever uploaded their Saved Games, I'm not sure if anyone came out to explain what it is they do and how they've achieved those scores. Maybe it is a combination of the tactics used in the pinned thread or perhaps it is a complete strategy that is used each and every time.

I think it is a form of leveraged Blitz and reading competitors early to become an investor to ride their upside, peak sell, and crush them for a merger.
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Re: Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

Post by Njeroe »

My guess is that people use exploits in these games to generate cash somehow (either influencing the stock market or subsidiary tricks) and then buy out the competitors/set up subsidiaries to do the heavy lifting. Atleast that's what I would do.
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Re: Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

Post by labthatcap »

As someone who is currently top 3 in an older challenge game, I can say that the answer is you play multiple strategies perfectly. You attack all highly profitable products and sectors to start, pay attention to who is building what / where at all times. You play the market at the same time (you need to position yourself to be able to eventually take over every company that doesn't fail), you maximize your use of loans (have to be careful with this early on). Playing this way, you don't hit your stride until late game when you start to snowball income and can buy out all of your profitable competitors. Yes all. You do wind up pausing the game often (at least I do), to keep expansion efficiency in all products very high. You also research everything constantly (by end game). And whatever tech you fall behind in you buy from competitors before starting production yourself. Tech matters a lot the further you get into the game. You do not need to use any cheats or exploits to be able to do all of this, but it will take you a long time and a lot of pausing! I think my top 3 game took me maybe 20 hours total when you factor in pausing? So it is pretty unlikely that you will ever see a top 3 replay video!

One tip: personally I find that media monopolies are very key to being highly profitable early on (you can max out your ad budgets and crush the competition brand wise.. makes it waaay easier / faster to sell new products). I don't start doing this until I have at least a few products selling well in a few cities though. Your advertising budget needs to be big enough to justify the purchase cost of the media outlets (as your media budget turns into 'profit' when you buy them up). I generally keep an eye on all outlets and buy up the ones that I can afford as they randomly pop up for sale (obviously focusing on cities where you are selling products first). Aside from that, just check out the strategies mega thread, play around with the game, and eventually you too can be a top 3!
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Re: Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

Post by carazvan »

I've just finished the "Food and Bevarage" challenge game and if people are interested I can attach the saves for the game (have around ~35 saves).

Overall the strategy can be described as:

1) Build up large discount stores in high income cities (3 products per store since 1 purchase unit can feed 2 sales units)
2) Build up Farms very early based on sowing time so I had strawberry/cocoa/sugar inputs.
3) Build up R&D with 3 products per center as a good balance of cost/research time early on
4) Make 1 single store/city with 4 products for advertising at 500k 1 each from food, beverage, snacks, livestock products to build brand in each city.
5) Expand into other areas with high-profit potential (autos, communication, computer) and then all other areas.

I finished the goal around early 1992 and stopped trying to maximize stuff around year 2000 and then just went on speed 5 with the occasional pause to reconnect mines as I was going through them every 2 years.

I did this strategy after doing an initial run of the game through the first 4-5 years during which I understood a bit of how the game worked.
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Re: Winning Tactics in Challenge Games

Post by pookar »

Hi, i have won the latest public challenge game without Digital DLC, you can see my name there in several public challenge ranking list. The simple strategy to won the challenge at least i have three strategy. First, making fast profit. The only way is retailing all available seaport product. Then, use bank loan. Borrow as much as you can and calculate profit > monthly interest. And the last, invest in stock market to profitable and high potential company.

The hardest part for me is, how to maintain my company stock value at the high level. Any idea?
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