Image error. res-chg.COL.

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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:24 pm

Image error. res-chg.COL.

Post by TransGoth »

Hello Techy PPL.

I own Capitalism II prior to steam owning this game.
I have a problem I need help with please?

I am running windows 10, 64bt, Lv10 gaming machine.
I installed and played cap II and it ran beautifully.
But I went to enright page, installed the latest patch
to take it from version 1.00 to version 1.0.7 or something
like that.
Since installing the patch the game will not run as intended
and I get the error message.

All I want to do is just update the game to the latest patch.
and play it. Tried Other patches. Same Problem.
Tried deleting res-chg-COL from the downloaded folders before
installing/extracting. etc.
No matter the patch version, I get the same problem.
I tried compat mode, it wont run at all.
I tried restarting.
I deleted and re-installed.
I have looked elsewhere here, but I can not find a solution
capIIErr.jpg (21.87 KiB) Viewed 8860 times