Subsidiary Dominance in an industry - can't win the scenario

Subsidiary DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Subsidiary Dominance in an industry - can't win the scenario

Post by Stylesjl »

Hello, new to this forum, having being playing Capitalism Lab for a couple of months now and found what might be a bug or at least something I don't fully understand.

Am I doing something wrong here?

I have 3 subsidiaries and they should meet the criteria of being dominant in their industries:

Single Mind - #1 in Jewellery and Watches.

Fusion - #1 in Body Care and Drugs.

Whirlwind Genie - #1 in Footwear and Leather (although not more than 50%, is that required, even if #1?)

Yet it does not register as a victory - is there something I am missing in all of this or is there a bug in this scenario making it unwinnable?
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Re: Subsidiary Dominance in an industry - can't win the scenario

Post by cantdownloadit »

I haven't played them so I might be wrong, but the scenario from what I can see is looking for "industry" dominance not product class.

So all Retail, all Mining, all Farming etc

Single Mind appears to be 2nd in Raw Material Industry so I would think another 5% here would do it.

Fusion appears to be 2nd in Farming etc

You might want to consider consolidating all your farms for instance, if all your farms were under Fusion, you would have 6.09 + 17.95 +7.06 = 31% which should make you no. 1 in farming

Merging the Raw materials production to one should also lead to no.1
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Re: Subsidiary Dominance in an industry - can't win the scenario

Post by Stylesjl »

You are right! I had misunderstood it.

For those who are viewing this thread and are struggling here is how I finished it:


Single Mind - Tried transferring the mines - but this killed their profit. So instead I gave them my media:

Fusion - Moved all of the farms of me and the other companies:

Eternal Motion - Transferred my Real Estate to make them #1

And of course you can try #1 in Manufacturing, Raw Materials and Retail as well.
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Re: Subsidiary Dominance in an industry - can't win the scenario

Post by Stylesjl »

Making a followup post to this. In the fifth scenario: Master of Capital you need this as one of the criteria:

Subsidiaries IPOs with $1 billion market cap

Generally you can achieve this if you have your own private company and then IPO it. However: How would you do this if the company was a public company you purchased (and therefore already IPO'ed)?

Well the answer is a bit silly but basically you need to buy the whole company (100%), set it to private and then IPO it (with the IPO being at least $1 billion). Do that twice and this criteria is fulfilled. Thought I would mention this as it might not be intuitive. I assume the other criteria is straightforward enough.
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