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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:15 am
by Vyaco
I have a question regarding Warehouses. I am playing the Real World Mod as a Gasoline Product enterprise. I have notice the demand for this kind of product is extremely high all the time. I have had multiple factories linked to my warehouse (up to 4) and my retail stores linked to the warehouse in order to supply the demand. However, one thing that I noticed was that even though the demand was still high and supply short (using max level purchasing/sales units), my warehouses demand was lower than the supply. Furthermore, my factories (which were producing at max capacity when they were only one of each), were now producing at half capacity although the demand for the product was still there.

Am I missing something in the way warehouses work or maybe the layout? I am using one layout I found in this forum (from top to bottom, Input, Input, Input, Sales, Output, Output, Output, Input, Input, Input, all linked) to allow for up to 6 different factories of the same product to accumulate in one warehouse.