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Challenge Game - Score Issue

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:06 pm
by ebolamonkey
Profit Column in Rank:

I noticed that the revenue is way off for the Ranking as I tried to figure out how folks were able to make more profit than their revenue. As it turns out when I checked out my scores on the leaderboard, my revenue was off as well!

For instance in "Opportunities v4.4.29", the revenue to profit ratio is correct. However, in "The Dilemma v4.4.19", the score for iPaet and Nikon shows a 8:8 and 7.8:5.9 to revenue to profit. Since I played Nikon, this particular case I am well into 10s of billions in revenue to generate $5.9bil profit. I'm pretty sure iPaet is at either 28 or $18billion in revenue to generate $8.6billion in profit.

I'm also wondering if the internet connection plays into any part of non-reported scores in each period.

Score Updates:

There are missing scores from the timeline which I assume is due to internet connectivity issues. How can one guarantee that the final score will be accurate then? Presently, this isn't an issue since the margins between the scores are very wide, but it can become more of an issue with the difference between scores start to tighten up.