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Best layout and staff for software companies?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:06 pm
by Namennaj
Does anyone have suggestions for the best layout for a software company? I am testing a manager + 8 programmers, but I am not sure there is any benefit to that.

Also, how many staff should you hire? In another company I am connecting 9 tech units. Should I hire 9 staff, or just one for the lead role?


Re: Best layout and staff for software companies?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:36 pm
by megapolis
as David said, second programmer does not affect development process. so it should be simply one manager, one programmer and 7 empty spaces. all research should be done in separate software companies that don't produce the software itself.

In latest patch you are able to add advertising units to advertize your soft in the city of origin or in the internet but I did not test it yet.