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Technology Clarification Request

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:45 am
by rustic
Version 5.1.23 - no Mods, No DLCs.

I read somewhere that Technology is limited to 100. If this is correct:

Does this mean there is no point pushing Technology beyond 100?
That one can close down the R&D facilities?


Re: Technology Clarification Request

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:13 am
by David
Technology is not limited to 100.

Re: Technology Clarification Request

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:09 pm
by Lerura
Technology is not limited to 100, but the effect on the product quality rating is.

Max Quality Points from Technology = 100*Product_Tech
So if the product is determined by Product Tech: 50% , then Max Quality Points From Technology = 50.
And your product will never recieve more than 100% of those 50 points.

How many of those point your product will recieve is equal to: 100*(YourTechnology/TopTechnology) %
When the game starts Your Technology is 30 for researched products, and the Top Technology is 100.
So at this point 100*(YourTechnology/TopTechnology) % is equal to 30%
So your product will recieve 50*30% = 15 Quality Points from Technology.

When your Research reaches 100, someone else might have a Research that is higher than yours. e.g. 200.
Which would have the same effect on your product quality as if you have 50 points and they have 100.
And you will get 50(100/200) = 25 Quality points
So you have to keep up on research in order for your product to get all 50 point, which will happen when: Your technology = Top Technology.