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Subsidiary should be able to create an E-Commerce firm even if forbidden to use the internet

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 4:24 am
by Stylesjl
When you own 75% of a subsidiary you can decide if a subsidiary can setup internet companies or not. This has no exceptions - the subsidiary can't even build an E-Commerce firm. I think E-Commerce should be exempt by default - many companies that are not internet focused build one so they can sell their products anyway without getting involved with the other internet companies.

Or maybe at least allow subsidiaries to use the Parent's E-Commerce company. It has always been a bit odd that E-Commerce is only for that company's products, it's like Amazon having to own all the factories for all the products it sells.

Re: Subsidiary should be able to create an E-Commerce firm even if forbidden to use the internet

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 5:41 pm
by ohms_law
They don't have the e-commerce techs though, and probably shouldn't bother with them (generally speaking).

What I usually do is set up a warehouse and sell the subsidiary's goods with my own e-commerce site through there.