Select insurance company investment strategy

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Should we be able to have more control over insurance/general AI investment

Yes, specifically tailoring investment strategies would improve the game greatly
Maybe, it depends on developer feedback and whether this is feasible
Absolutely not, keep it simple
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Select insurance company investment strategy

Post by Anathelus »

This is rather basic and fundamental, given the scope of capitalism lab, it is surprising this was missed. If I set up an insurance company, it has its own portfolio to invest, but why can I not tell it to specialise in particular investments?
For example- Real estate stocks, Real estate bonds. Resource stocks, bonds. You get the idea.

The AI tends to invest equally across stocks and bonds, as for the banking side of things, can we have a bit more added to the loan/deposits? For example most banks offer mortgages specifically for buildings. But I can do with loans whatever I like. More control over interest rates would also be nice, I don't understand why they are set based on the central bank interest rate- perhaps for ease of programming because I can imagine this game is very complex given all of the activity at any given time.
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Re: Select insurance company investment strategy

Post by Stylesjl »

Generally speaking I like the idea of being able to control the AI subsidiaries to change their portfolio of investments. Not so much expanding the pool of investment options however as this might make things too complicated. However I can envision something like this:

Control a subsidiary's bank to favour low or high risk loans. This could be implemented as a slider in a similar way to how you can control backward integration or freight cost sensitivity.

A similar rule could be implemented for insurance as well where you have a sliding risk scale either towards low risk assets (bonds) or high risk assets (stocks).

I suppose insurance companies could have a few more investment options, such as:

- Savings accounts in banks.
- Ability to build or buy up Apartments, Commercial Buildings or Malls (or maybe not, this might be more complex than necessary).
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