A brand-new 16-misssion campaign that gives us a look at the ongoing story of the Leboufs, as they try to tiptoe through the minefield of marriage and the unique circumstances of professional success.
Two new enterprise categories: Coffee Shop and Dessert House that complements the existing Restaurant enterprise; with each category having over 130 unique delicacies, beverages and recipes to choose from. Together with French, Italian, American, and German recipes, there are over 600 recipes in total, offering a huge variety of food.
New themed restaurants ranging from the aquatic deep, exotic rainforest and motor racing takes the idea of “themes” to unprecedented heights. You’ve never seen restaurants looking this amazing before.
Over 700 new interior objects, brining the total number to 1400. There is more variety and fun than ever before in setting up, decorating and managing your very own restaurant. ?
Introducing the new German cuisine category of restaurants complimenting the existing foods and architectures of the French, Italians and Americans.
Munich, in addition to the triumvirate of Paris, Los Angeles and Rome is now yours to select as a destination to set up shop and expand your burgeoning business.?
Hire live performers to perk up your restaurant’s atmosphere, varying from concert soloists to rock bands and indoor circus performers, and set up their scheduled stints to entertain your valued guests at the right time of day.
With the new Recipe Research feature you can now actively invest into improving the quality of your food as well as gain invaluable knowledge in the formulation of new delicious recipes.
And finally, Armand awaits for you with a secret mini-game inside.

Aliquam consequat. Proin feugiat ultricies dui. Suspendisse mollis dui nec nunc. Nam tristique, ante vitae imperdiet vestibulum, elit nulla rhoncus nisl, vitae tincidunt dolor dui eu mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc blandit dolor vel mauris. Proin wisi. Nam pharetra ultrices tellus. Sed arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ultricies semper wisi. Sed nisl. Donec blandit. Nunc vitae urna sed nisl mattis ornare.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis, ante et congue feugiat, elit wisi commodo metus, ut commodo ligula enim ac justo. Pellentesque id ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Phasellus vitae mi a elit dictum volutpat. Pellentesque nec arcu. Etiam blandit. Phasellus egestas dolor ut lacus. Sed enim justo, sagittis ut, condimentum non, ullamcorper eu, neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ipsum risus, sagittis ac, imperdiet ac, interdum sed, libero. Praesent commodo. Mauris congue, urna eget hendrerit elementum, dolor ligula ultrices neque, in elementum ante erat et elit.

Vivamus vehicula. Integer cursus massa et nisl. Morbi pretium sem eget risus. Vestibulum nec est. Donec feugiat purus et ligula. Quisque semper. Sed eu ante. Curabitur suscipit porttitor libero. Nam eros leo, sollicitudin eget, tincidunt vitae, facilisis a, dui. Proin neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque felis.

Vivamus vehicula. Integer cursus massa et nisl. Morbi pretium sem eget risus. Vestibulum nec est. Donec feugiat purus et ligula. Quisque semper. Sed eu ante. Curabitur suscipit porttitor libero. Nam eros leo, sollicitudin eget, tincidunt vitae, facilisis a, dui. Proin neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque felis.